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Can Love Last Forever?

When Flora Schnall, first met F.M. Esfandiary he was still known as a kafkaesque Iranian novelist. But FM was on the brink of reinventing himself as a radical futurist. Their long romance paired a pioneering lawyer - one of the first women to break the glass ceilings of the existing world - with a 'transhuman' who envisioned the hierarchies of the present completely giving way to new values and new ways of life.

Flora Schnall had proven herself in a world that was both fiercely competitive and deeply connected to some of the world's most renowned, long-running institutions. As one of the early female students at Harvard Law School, she and (future Supreme Court Justice) Ruth Bader Ginsburg had been challenged by the law school's dean, demanding to know why these women were insisting on "taking a man's place." The future Supreme Court Justice gave the dean a thoughtful and measured reply, articulating the ways in which she was just as qualified to be a lawyer as any man. Flora simply quipped that she was there just to find herself a great husband.

FM-2030, on the other hand, developed the view that both competition, marriage, and indeed, most of the customs and institutions of the world, had no value in the future that was developing. He believed that exclusive relationships and especially marriage were soon to be things of the past, that relationships of the future were destined to be fluid, ever changing. In a world where lives did not end, "Until Death Do Us Part" was to have no meaning. 

Iconoclasts in very different ways, Flora and FM created an odd couple . Despite the lack of an exclusive or even official commitment to one another, (FM even preferring the world "friend" to "relationship") Flora and FM's connection proved to be lifelong, lasting until FM's suspension in 2000. If one accepts FM's optimistic view of technology, perhaps their friendship is simply on pause, or just beginning. 

Multi-Track: The stories put on pause when FM-2030 entered Cryonic Suspension

An Optimistic Light

When 2030 filmmaker Johnny Boston first met FM-2030 (then F.M. Esfandiary) Johnny was only ten years old. FM provided a supportive, stabilizing and optimistic hand as Johnny set out on his own path.

FM and Flora

An Unusual Couple

When Flora Schnall, first met F.M. Esfandiary he was still known as a kafkaesque Iranian novelist. Their long romance paired a pioneering lawyer - one of the first women to break the glass ceilings of the existing world - with a radical futurist who envisioned the hierarchies of the present completely giving way to new values and new ways of life.

FM-2030 Suited Up

The World's First Superhero: An Origin Story

FM-2030 envisioned humans becoming posthuman, beings made of entirely replaceable bodies, with abilities well beyond that granted by our biology and DNA. 

2030 Has Arrived on Your Favorite Digital Platforms

"There is no identity crisis. The young modern is not losing his identity. He is gladly disencumbering himself of it. An identity crisis exists only in those who have not adjusted to the new era of instant telecommunication and interplanetary travel - to the new liquidity, the new pace and rhythm."

• FM-2030 / Optimism One

10 + Controversial ways that FM-2030 predicted that our world would radically change.